Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017

Free Technology Curriculum from Google!

Earlier this year, I spent countless hours creating lessons and guides for a high school tech essentials class. At the time I was creating them, I was wondering why Google didn’t have an online curriculum site for students like they do for teachers (i.e., the education training sessions for getting your certifications).

Well....now they do! And the best part? It is FREE!

Google has created a site that contains video-based lessons for grades 7-12 over different G Suite applications. As a teacher, you can sign up to create an account by simply using your google login. Students can join your class using a special code just like with Google Classroom.

Each unit is over one theme but as students work through the lessons, they will learn how to use the different applications such as slides, sheets, docs, and more.

Check it out: https://goo.gl/ wucZH1 

May 2, 2017

G Suite Updates

Every month, it seems like Google comes out with more and more updates to all of its apps. Some of this updates apply more for the business world than education and others apply more for those that handle Administration of the site than teachers.

However, there does seems to be a few updates every time that applies directly to teachers and students. Here are a few of them:

  • Google has a search feature called Google Cloud Search. This is an app you can download on your phone that will search across all of your G Suite applications to find the exact file you want. Before, this was only available for android phones but it is now available for iPhones and iOS devices. For more info: https://goo.gl/RfbtHU
  • Google Classroom is now available through personal accounts (i.e. you don’t have to have a Google Account to create and use Google Classroom). For more info: https://goo.gl/KMBsp4
  • Google Accounts login page will have a new look at the end of this month. For more info: https://goo.gl/sh7sss